Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Jiu-Jitsu ~

What is Jiu-Jitsu?
"Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a martial art developed with the concepts of leverage and technique at its core. Because it is easier to dominate an opponent by using the floor to assist in balance and control , most of the training in jiu-jitsu takes place on the ground. Being able to dominate and neutralize a larger, more aggressive opponent is a hallmark of the art. This is achieved through ground control positions and leverage-maximizing technique.

What can Jiu-Jitsu do for you?
Jiu-Jitsu students develop a deep understanding of the mechanics of the human skeletal and muscular systems. Using this knowledge they are able to subdue an attacker without causing him injury, should they so choose. Acquiring these skills is not easy, and requires mental and physical effort on the part of the student. The rewards however, are great, and include massive improvements in stamina, strength, flexibility and mental clarity. In addition to this, social skills are improved as a result of interacting with individuals and the group as a whole.


I know you all will be wondering why i am talking about this sport !
And it is obviously that i don't play it =D
i even didn't knew about it ............... until my brother "Ahmed" joined the Emirates Jiu-Jitsu Team In Abu Dhabi 3years ago. He won several medals and participated in indoors and outdoors matches.

On Saturday 12th-Dec-2009, there was a live telecast for his match on Abu Dhabi Sport Channel. We were so excited to see him playing, so i took some shots from the TV while his was playing Jiu-Jitsu, to show you how the real match looks like =pP:

Unfortunately he couldn't do it this time =( !
But no worries, inshallah he'll do it next time *_^

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